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Oct 26, 2022

Manifesting and "the law of attraction" is a belief that the power of positive thinking can let you think your dreams into reality. We share our beliefs if Rhonda Byrne's "The Secret" book holds some truth or myths. Is goal setting different than envisioning your every desire and different than mental rehearsal? Does...

Oct 19, 2022

Anthony Beven, founder of Detox Day Spa, joins us for a fascinating talk about Toxins - what causes them, where they come from, and what effects they have on our bodies. Anthony is a former bio-tech industry marketing executive and medical practice consultant who received back-to-back HIV and cancer diagnoses in 2016...

Oct 12, 2022

The Fitheads have some strategies to avoid getting sick and stay healthy. These are our immune boost tips to fight sickness. From sleep hygiene to supplements, we cover it all so you don't catch any bugs or viruses.

Oct 5, 2022

Rick graduated from physical therapy school in 1996. After struggling to help his patients, he realized that standard physical therapy education left him unprepared to truly help people with chronic pain or nagging injuries. Rick realized a fundamental element connecting movement, structure and pain was missing...